How we use cookies
We only use cookies on pages where you need to volunteer information to use, such as accessing our “contact us” page, or providing us with your details in order to complete our “health and safety” risk review.
These cookies are harmless “Session Cookies” that expire at the end of your first to our website.
What happens if do not allow cookies for this website?
OK, the cookies on this site are provided to enhance your browsing experiences, if you disable cookies for this site, you may find the performance of the website slower to operate and find it more difficult to complete forms.
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small text file that appears on your web browsing device, whenever you visit a website that uses cookies.
There are various types of cookies, which are either temporally stored in your computers memory during your visit, or written to your hard drive to remember preferences such as website login details etc.
What are cookies used for?
Websites commonly use cookies to enhance the browsing experience of the user and to collect demographic information about the websites visitors.
Cookies are use to remember visitors preferences, website registration information to save them repeatedly having to login and to ease the use of web applications such as shopping carts.
Cookies can also b used as in the case of Google Analytics to provide information about the number of visitors to a website, the time spent on each page visited and the overall performance of the website.
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