Minimising health and safety issues when acquiring or closing a business
The normal process for undertaking acquisitions and divestments frequently fails to take adequate account of the costs and risks associated with health and safety issues. This can be severely damaging to the company acquiring or divesting the business concerned and can leave latent liabilities long after the acquisition or divestment and exposure to the directors of the parent organisation. However, Quadriga has extensive experience identifying and minimising health and safety liabilities when acquiring or disposing of a business.
We conduct pre-acquisition and divestment health and safety audits, in order to establish the potential exposures, possible costs and necessary actions. This can avoid liabilities, director exposure and costs post acquisition or divestment.
If you are acquiring or closing a business and require expert health and safety advice, call us today on +44 (0) 118 929 9920, or complete our contact form here.
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