Supporting Our Clients with HSE Investigations

How would you handle a Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigation, should your organisation be subject to such an investigation?

At Quadriga we are called upon to support organisations with HSE investigations. One such organisation is a vehicle repair company that was using a large amount of toxic materials, including spraying toxic materials and paints. The HSE visited the organisation with two inspectors and were not satisfied with the controls that they had in place.

The inspectors served two legally enforceable improvement notices requiring action to be taken within a matter of a few weeks. The company tried to take that action itself, but was not able to do so. The HSE inspectors returned and told the organisation that they were not satisfied with the action that was taken and there was only a small of time to comply with the notices.

At that point, the organisation contacted us. We negotiated an extension to the improvement notices. We then supported organisation with putting the relevant actions in place. After this work was completed, the HSE was totally satisfied and agreed that the improvement notice has been fully complied with.

If you need support with an HSE investigation, please contact us by calling us on 0118 929 9920 or clicking here to email us.

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