Quadriga Health & Safety Blog

What Responsibility do Company Directors have to Seek Competent Health & Safety Advice?

If you’re a Director of an organisation, do you need to get good Health & Safety advice? Is it your responsibility? This short video from Ian Clements, MD of Quadriga Read more…

Competent Health & Safety Advice – Do You Need it?

Directors of companies need competent Health & Safety advice both as a legal reason and for a practical one. There is a specific legal requirement for a company that is Read more…

Significant Changes since the Introduction of New Sentencing Guidelines

Significant Changes since the Introduction of New Sentencing Guidelines In February 2016, the Sentencing Council introduced a new guideline for Health and Safety and Corporate Manslaughter offences, which made a Read more…

How Do You Put a Sensible Health & Safety Policy together?

Does your organisation employ five people or more? If so, you are legally obliged to have a written health and safety policy. Here are some guidelines on creating one. A Read more…

Fire Safety – What do Companies Need to do Differently?

Following the Grenfell Tower fire in June 2017, most organisations will be asking themselves what they need to do differently – or if they need to do anything differently – Read more…

Health and Safety in the Office

Office health and safety is often overlooked in business. Many office jobs, like sitting at a desk and typing at computer, don’t seem to suggest much risk. However, working in Read more…

Updated Briefing on Fire Safety Issues Arising from the Grenfell Tower Fire

Since the fire at Grenfell Tower in June 2017 we have been busy issuing briefings and advice to our clients. The Government have now published the results of the first Read more…

Health & Safety Issues for the Self Employed

There’s a lot of confusion about the changes to Health and Safety legislation relating to the self employed. A few years ago, a report was undertaken, which indicated that self Read more…

Why should Directors have an Appropriate Understanding of Health and Safety in their Company?

It’s really important that company Directors receive Health and Safety briefings because many don’t fully appreciate the extent of the threat to themselves and their organisation of not getting this Read more…

Can Health & Safety Executive Inspection Charges Affect Your Company if You Breach H&S Requirements?

Find out how Health & Safety Executive Inspection charges could affect your company if you breach H&S requirements in this short video.


We give professional and practical advice to help you implement effective health and safety policies and management systems. Get in touch to see how we can help you.



Your health and safety needs can take many forms. As a result, Quadriga offers a comprehensive range of services to meet all your needs.



Board members need to show leadership to minimise risk to the business and to safeguard themselves from personal liability and criminal actions.


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